- Assistant Secretary General of the General People's Congress (GPC Dr Ahmed Ubaid Bin Daghr has on Sunday confirmed the stand of the GPC by ambitions and aspirations of the Yemeni people and support fort for the issues of the woman and the youth and rendering for them the necessary care and attention. This stand comes out of the GPC's realisation of the import6ance of their role in the society and the pushing forward of economic and social development.
Attending on Sunday a concluding ceremony on honouring summer activities held by Adel Charity and Social Foundation Bin Daghr said the GPC takes firm stances regarding different issues of the homeland and also its supportive trances for all that would increase security and stability of the homeland. He has also affirmed the GPC support for any charity and social work that would improve the conditions of the society's poor segments and the support for development of the youth capabilities.