Almotamar Net - Local sources have said Tuesday that 12 of al-Qaeda organisation elements have been killed and 5 other wounded in clash with army forces in Luder district, Abyan province.

Tuesday, 22-March-2011 - Local sources have said Tuesday that 12 of al-Qaeda organisation elements have been killed and 5 other wounded in clash with army forces in Luder district, Abyan province. correspondent has quoted local sources as saying that he organization�s elements attempted to attack a military unit in the area of Aked , to the east of Luder but the army soldiers repelled the attack and were able to kill a number of the organisation elements and wounded others but the sources did give detailed information about the event.

This incident comes at a time the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has said Tuesday that disturbances in Yemen would help l-Qaeda organisation, expressing his fear of this matter.
This story was printed at: Sunday, 19-May-2024 Time: 09:26 AM
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